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(From the song cycle, From the Lute and Stick, for voice and piano)
Poem by Alexandros Pallis
Orchestra: 2 1 1 1 – 2 2 1 0 – Timpani, Percussion, Strings
Full score: Unpublished.
Voice and piano: Breitkopf & Haertel, Leipzig n.d.
Gaetanos, Athens n.d. (the whole cycle, excluding No. 7 [“On the Epopa”], with minor alterations).
* For the voice & piano version look in the corresponding category of works, under the song cycle From the Lute and Stick.
“Haide Hourde”, n.d. autograph manuscript, first page [© MKS]
Haide Hourde, from the Albanian vernacular spoken in some parts of Greece. The expression’s exact meaning could not be ascertained; it is used however, to convey the meaning: “get lost”, get out of my hair”, etc. (according to information provided by Nikos Venetsanos, retired merchant marine captain from Salamis, where this vernacular is still in use).
Pallis, Alexandros (1851 – 1935), fervent believer in the cause of the Demotic language movement, mostly known for his translation (the Iliad and the New Testament among others, plays of Euripides, Shakespeare, etc.). The collection Lute and Stick (1907) contains lyric and satirical poems.
[Notes by Maria Voelker-Kamarinea]